From the next-time-let’s-not-make-conversation department:
Heavy traffic in Toronto. We’re coming to a halt at an intersection, two cars between me and the red light. The light turns green and both cars in front of me start signalling for a left turn. By the time the oncoming traffic has passed and they are gone, the traffic light is red again. We have to wait for another round.
Me: “You know, they should have signalled way earlier.”
Passenger (P): “Who?”
Me: “The two cars in front of us.”
P: “Why?”
Me: “Are you serious? Because I would have changed to the right lane, and would have made it across when it was green. Instead they stop at the lights and it looks like they want to go straight. Then they wait until the lights turn green to signal. And I am stuck behind them. Can’t they make up their mind when they approach the traffic light?”
P: “It’s okay. We’ll still make it in time.”
Me: “That’s not the point.”
P: “I know what your point is. Unless you want to chase after them to yell or make European gestures, let it go.
Me: “European gestures? I take offense to that. And I don’t want to go after them, I am just saying…”
P: “You couldn’t go after them anyway. Because it would mean that you would have to use your left turn signal now. And that would really annoy the driver behind you. Because you should have signalled way earlier if you want to make a left turn.”
Me: “Do you want to walk the rest of the way?”
The light turns green.
Two miles later.
P: “You know, I do that all the time.”
Me: “What?”
P: “Not signal until the light turns green.”
Me: “Why? WHY?”
P: “I don’t like the sound of my turn signals.”