Just came across pr-toolbar.de, a free PR Toolbar created by a German agency. The download offering for German PR professionals includes 380 PR links, a PR glossary, RSS feeds with PR news as well as gadgets like cookie cleaner, unified email notification and a chat function. I haven’t downloaded it but it looks like it also includes a couple features that are supposed to generate leads for this agency.
I am not a huge toolbar fan in general because it further diminishes the little screen space I have on my laptop and the new IE7 Beta browser (just like Firefox) has an integrated search box anyway. But it is still a nice marketing and community-building idea.
pr-toolbar.de was developed based on a free toolbar creation service from Conduit, so it would probably be easy to create a Canadian PR toolbar.
Not sure if anybody would be interested. But, just for the sake of an exercise, here’s a quick brainstorm of what could be included.
- Sean over at Buzz Canuck has just created “The Power 50“, a list of Canadian marketing bloggers. Not all of them are PR blogs but it would be a good starting point for community links and/or RSS news. And why not cross over into other marketing territory for some of the links?
- Third Tuesday, Third Monday and CaseCamp and other PR events
- Inside PR for podcasting
- Since it is not just about blogging but about PR in general, we should throw in links to CPRS and IABC for good measure
- prmeasurement.ca on the resources side of things, of course, and links to vendor partners like CNW, CCN Matthews, NewsCanada, Bacons, Vocus etc.
- And I am sure for additional resource links we could also take a look south of 49
Yes, there’s plenty more to be found in Canada. But it’s time for dinner. Other ideas anyone?